
Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

Project Information

Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

About The University

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) was founded in 1997 on the basis of the Psychological Institution of the Russian Academy of Education – the oldest psychological scientific institution. Psychological education in MSUPE rose from Moscow School of Psychology, Culture and History. This School was founded by distinguished figures in psychology Vygotsky L.V., Luria A.R., Leontiev A.N., Elkonin D.B., Davydov V.V. etc. The key staff of University are disciples and followers of these scientists, developing traditions of cultural psychology.

The teacher staff of the University comprises the key psychologists in Russia, including 140 PhDs and 362 Masters, active and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science and the Russian Academy of Education.

The MSUPE and Psychological Institution of the Russian Academy of Education currently appear to be a unique scientific and educational unit – “Psychology” headed by professor, honored worker of science, active member of the Russian Academy of Education Vitaly Vladimirovich Rubtsov.

MSUPE is an extremely developing and innovative institution of higher education. Nowadays, the University trains psychologists not only for the educational system, but for different areas of social practice; it implements psychological training of specialists in numerous fields of activities: Legal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, and Psychology of Education. Graduates of University get jobs at psychological centers and services, medical and education institutions, scientific centers, law enforcement authorities, local government authorities, and non-government companies.

Scientific and research base in MSUPE comprises 7 public scientific and education centers equipped with hi-tech hardware and software complex of scientific instruments including centers of neurophysiological, psychogenetic, ethno psychological researches and genius and intelligent potential centers, etc.


  • Psychology of Education
  • Social Psychology
  • Counseling and Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical and Special Psychology
  • Legal and Forensic Psychology
  • Extreme Psychology
  • Informational Technologies
  • Social Communication
  • Faculty of Distance Learning
  • Faculty of Advanced Learning
  • Institute of Inclusive Education Problems
  • Institute of Experimental Psychology
  • Institute of Foreign Languages, Modern Communications and Administration

Student Life:

Student life at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education takes place in a unique atmosphere of indifference to social challenges and changes. Students are ready to change the life of society for the better. The university has created a friendly and accessible educational environment for every student.

MSUPU is a university where education is not limited to specific professional competencies. Students develop scientific thinking, form their own trajectory of professional development in accordance with their personal interests and plans for the future.

MSUPE is a university where each student has an internship in various institutions that cooperate with the university: kindergartens and centers, general education and inclusive schools, rehabilitation centers and hospitals. 

Students have the opportunity to participate in active international activities . MSUPU has more than 100 cooperation agreements with leading universities of the world, 3 international programs with the possibility of obtaining a diploma from a European university.

Scientific student communities, volunteer organizations, interest clubs, a choir, sports and dance sections work at MSUPU.

City at a Glance