Putting Up The Final Strokes For Your NEET UG 2021 Preparation

September 9, 2021

Charles Dickens once stated, “Never do tomorrow what you can do today.” The statement stands true even after the solemn decades. The much anticipated NEET UG Exam, scheduled on 12 September is just a few days close, the students are in the final ride towards their final destination.

As the last few days for the preparation of the NEET-UG 2021 are remaining, the students have tied-up their shoelaces for the final jump. With just a week left for the exam, here are some of the last minute tips for the NEET UG exam preparation that have been proven to be helpful, time and again.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #1: Health is Wealth

The age-old rule that a healthy mind resides in the healthy body is the golden rule one must follow at all costs at every part of the life. At this time you might be studying for hours, going to the school/coaching classes, getting adequate rest, etc and absolutely neglecting your health. As one prepares, there are so many things to keep in mind they often neglect their health. The health of candidates is often overlooked amid all the other concerns.

At this time, even a minor illness prior to an examination can cause major setbacks mentally as well as physically. Therefore, the students are advised to not miss meals or sleep during this phase and devote some-time to outdoor physical activities.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #2: Revise But DO NOT Start A New Topic

If you have gone through the prescribed syllabus for NEET UG 2021, you already know that it is vast. Students like you have been preparing for it for months and in some cases, years. Therefore, it is not possible to read everything from the prescribed books. If you haven’t missed anything important, do not begin something new during this last week. Starting a new topic afresh is a tedious and time-taking process, which at this moment is something you do not have.

Remember to revise your notes, shortcuts, visual aids, formulas, theorems and be through with them. It is always recommended to never start something new unless it is too important for the exam and revise what you have already learned in the last few days before the exam.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #3: Focus On The Objective Details

The students are advised to be meticulous with infographics, diagrams, graphs, examples, tables, flow charts, etc and be precise with the details. These minute details are often overlooked while prepping up the concepts. Revising them a week before the exam helps not only revising the concepts but also in retaining these overlooked details.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #4: Mix It Up

When preparing the time-table for this week, the students must ensure that they revise at least 2 subjects a day, instead of dedicating the whole day for a single subject. This helps in avoiding the monotony of the learning and thus avoiding it from becoming tiresome and burdensome. This method helps in covering up a wide range of topics from all the subjects.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #5: Be Consistent

Even if you are confident about your preparation, do not miss to prepare as progressively as you were doing a month back. Do not drop your practice and timetable of study which you have maintained all this time in the last week of your NEET UG 2021 Preparation. You may have difficulty refocusing once you start again if you stop. Adding revision to your daily routine will help you retain the information. During these last days, you can reduce your revision time.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #6: Fill in the Blanks With Mock Tests

In these last few days, increase your frequency for mock tests, giving them as many as you can. You may find that the mock tests and sample papers contain questions from topics that are part of the syllabus, but are absent from the book that you have been using. In addition, there may be times when you discover you don’t understand a certain set of questions, particularly for numerical questions. Now is the time to fix these issues.

NEET UG 2021 Last Minute Tip #7: Believe & Stay Confidant

It is common for the last few days to be filled with anxiety. Putting your faith in your preparation and doubting whether you remember everything you read in the past few months will not help you at this point. Keeping calm is the key to NEET 2021 preparation in the last few days. Don’t go on a self-doubt binge. Have faith in the hard work you have put in.


In the weeks leading up to an examination, students strive to improve their skills. An individual’s performance on test day is highly dependent on these last few days. We should take advantage of all the available tips and tricks during the remaining time to the fullest.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

― Benjamin Franklin

It is unquestionable that the NEET UG 2021 exam is one of the most important deciding factors for medical students. Equipped with the essential skills for the NEET UG exam and the good preparation you can surely follow that lifelong dream of being a doctor.