Batch-1 For 2019 Departs To Study MBBS at Crimea State Federal University

Student Departure: MBBS Batch I of 2019, Crimea Federal University

October 03, 2019, New Delhi, India MBBS Batch I of students from India, who will be joining the program for MBBS in Russia at Crimea Federal University, depart to Russia from Indira Gandhi International Airport, City of New Delhi, India.

Crimea Federal University: Founded in 1918, Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky (also known as "CFU" or "Crimea State Medical University") is a century-old and one of the best medical universities in Russia. The University is duly approved by the Medical Council of India and offers a 6-Year Program for MBBS in Russia. The University got 69th place in the rating of world higher medical schools within "TOP 200" 2017 Year, a project by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). To know more about the University or apply to study medicine in Russia at CFU, visit Crimea State Medical University Page.