
Rus Education participated in a Career fair at Aravali International School, Faridabad.

December 13, 2023

On December 9th, 2023, Rus Education had the honor of participating in the esteemed Career Fair hosted by the renowned Aravali International School in Faridabad. Our team of seasoned and knowledgeable counselors engaged with numerous young scholars who displayed a keen interest in pursuing a career in the medical field.

Our team offered in-depth and comprehensive guidance to these aspiring learners on the plethora of opportunities available for students in Russia. From courses and programs to the admission process, our counselors delved into each and every aspect of their upcoming academic journey.

We at Rus Education aim to empower students to achieve their academic aspirations and realize their full potential through our relentless dedication and guidance. We are honored to have been a part of this prestigious event and look forward to continuing our efforts to shape the future of medical education in India and beyond.