NTA finalized safety protocol for NEET 2020 Examination

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Earlier this week, the Supreme Court announced that the NEET and JEE examinations are to be conducted as per the scheduled dates. This decision was made to ensure that the student’s future career should not be put in jeopardy due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, in regards to the NEET 2020 examination, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has finalized the safety protocol that is to be carried out during the exams by the staff, students, and the exam centers.

Before the commencement of the exams, all centers will be disinfected thoroughly from the entrance gate, floors, walls, tables with disinfectant spray. Several protective items such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, sponges/cloth, disinfectant spray machines, thermo guns, individual water bottles for both staff and candidates will be kept at all the exam centers.

During exam time, staff members will be wearing gloves and masks.

Following are the measures to be followed by the examination centers:

The following Universities from Russia participated in the fair:

  • Contact-less frisking
  • Staggered time-slots for reporting at the examination center
  • Contact-less document verification like admit cards and other documents required before the examination. This is to be done by keeping 3 feet away from the staff member and display the documents for verification.
  • Each candidate’s body temperature will be measured and those with higher body temperature will have to appear the exam in the isolated rooms at the exam center.

Before the examination date, candidates are requested to perform a COVID-19 test. They must carry a copy of the report as a self-declaration document regarding their COVID-free health status at the time of the examination. Candidates must wear masks and gloves before entering the exam center. Other things such as a personal transparent water bottle, a small hand sanitizer, and exam-related documents are allowed inside the examination hall.

Note: For everyone’s safety, NTA has decided to allow candidates in batches at the registration rooms. Batches of 15 girls and 15 boys at a time, in two separate registration rooms at all exam centers.