Latest Update: CBSE Release Date Sheet For Term 1 Board Exams

cbse news
October 19, 2021
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As per the speculations, CBSE has released the date sheet for the Term 1 Board Exam as per the new pattern. This is applicable for the students studying in classes 10th and 12 under the academic session of 2021-22. It is to be duly noted that the board exams, starting from this session, would be conducted via an entirely new pattern following a revised syllabus.

As a major development, from this year onwards, the board exam will be conducted in two terms. The term 1 examination was scheduled to be held in November, whereas the term 2 has been planned for March.

CBSE has yesterday released the date sheets for class 10th and 12th Term 1 Board Exams. According to this, the students of class 12 would be giving their first term 1 board examination on 1st December 2021, whereas the students of class 10 would be having their first exam on 30th November 2021.

For the students studying from the discipline of biology, the term 1 exam dates would be as follows:

Date Subject Code Subject
03rd December 2021 301 English Core
06th December 2021 041 Mathematics
10th December 2021 042 Physics
14th December 2021 043 Chemistry
18th December 2021 044 Biology

Other Important Details For The Students Appearing in Term 1 Board Exam:

  1. The CBSE has classified all the subjects for class 10 and 12 into major and minor categories. The available date sheets for the above classes are only for the subjects included in the Major category.
  2. As per the notice, the date sheet of minor subjects will be provided to the schools separately.The examination of these subjects will start from 16th November 2021 for class 12 and 17th November 2021 for class 10.
  3. The term 1 examination would be for 90 minutes and would include only Multiple Choice Questions/ Objective questions.
  4. The term 1 exam would assess the students performance on a 15 point scale.
  5. The allocated reading time will be 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes.
  6. Keeping in view the winter season, the exam will start from 11:30 AM instead of the usual 10:30 AM.

Important Information About Result Declaration For Term 1 Board Exam:

  1. After the conduct of Term 1 Examinations, results in the form of marks will be declared.
  2. No students will be placed in Pass, Compartment, and Essential Repeat Category after the term 1 exam.
  3. Each term evaluates the performance of the students on a 15 point scale. After both the terms, the student’s performance will be evaluated over the 30 point scale. Final Results for the students of Class 10 and 12 will be declared after the term 2 exam only.

Information about The Practical Exams:

Practical/ Internal Assessment/ Project will be completed in schools before the term-1 exams are over. Marks allotted in these exams will constitute 50% of the total marks allotted and mentioned in the syllabus.

CBSE has specifically emphasized and advised the students not to take information circulated in the social media into consideration without an authentic source and visit the official website of CBSE i.e, for more information.