International Nursing Day

May 12, 2018
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It is celebrated annually to celebrate the birthday of the legendary Florence Nightingale who was born on 12 May 1920. She is the founder of modern-day nursing and she had demonstrated that through love, compassion for humankind irrespective of religious affiliations, culture, economic status, all diseases, and hatred can be conquered even in the midst of war.

Nursing as a profession has grown several folds guided by the Principles of Nursing laid down by Florence Nightingale. Many times the nurses do not get the credit for what they deliver but it never dissuades them from giving their best.

Today Rus Education takes the opportunity to thank all the Nurses for the care and comfort, for the concern and compassion, and for the consistent and constant support that they provide to the community.

Every year there is a theme on International Nursing Day. This year the theme is Nurses: Inspire, Innovate, Influence.

Nothing can be further from the truth. The Nurses inspire the community by their caring and compassionate behavior. They consistently innovate to provide comfort to those afflicted by various diseases and they are a source of great influence in changing the health-related behavior of the community that has a positive impact on the physical, mental and social well-being of the individuals in the community.

Rus Education once again expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the unsung torchbearers of health care and as a token of its gratitude offers special discounts in processing fees for MBBS admissions in Universities Abroad.

For those young Nurses who are desirous of becoming Doctors and have completed their BSc, we offer the additional good news that for studying MBBS in Caribbean countries they will be directly recruited into the second year of MBBS curriculum.