Foreign Students in Perm Region will grow by 1.5 times

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As of 2018, it is estimated that the number of foreign students in Perm Universities will increase by 1.5 times. In the meeting of the Council of Rectors of Perm High Schools, it was advised to create the necessary infrastructure for their residence in the Perm region. Governor Maxim Reshetnikov declared that now there is serious competition among the regions and the countries. “We expect that after changing the federal legislation, it will be easier for us to resolve certain issues,” the head of the Kama region added.

First of all, we are talking about regulating the regime of students’ stay in the country and the possibility of living in Russia on a student visa. In Prikamye, due to competent planning, it will be possible to solve a part of questions regarding the residence of foreign students”, the governor believes. As an instance, he cited the hostel built in the year 2014 for the students of the Polytechnic Institute.

However, in the year 2018, the Universities of Perm Krai are believed to have more than 1600 foreign students from over 52 countries from all across the globe. Many students come to the Prikamye and exchange and study for several months. Over the past four years, the number of international students in Perm Universities has increased fourfold. Among these, more than half of them are enrolled with the Medical University.

Perm State Medical University is one of the main educational centers of the Russian city. The University offers international collaborations for Russian as well as foreign students.