According to a Times of India report, the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (Undergraduate) will take place this year in June or July. In accordance with discussions between the Education and Health Ministries, NEET UG 2022 is set for the third or fourth week of June or the first week of July. Datasheets for the same will be released soon on the official website,
“As per the initial discussion between officials of MoE and ministry of health, the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate) or NEET-UG will be conducted between the third week of June and the first week of July,” the report said.
The NEET paper last year contained 180 multiple choice questions from physics, chemistry, and biology. These subjects were divided into two sections. Section A had 35 questions and section B consisted of 15 questions, out of which students had to answer 10 questions.
Approximately 15 lakh aspirants who aspire to become doctors appear for NEET every year. Reports indicate that NEET-UG 2022 will be held on any Sunday between the last week of June and the first week of July.
NEET 2022 would be conducted in the pen and paper mode for admission to be granted in 89,395 MBBS, 27,948 BDS, 52,720 AYUSH, 603 BVSc and AH seats that also include 1,899 AIIMS and 249 JIPMER seats