
WEFORTHEM Campaign | Clothes Distribution Drive

rus education corporate social responsibilities
December 7, 2019
Rus Education

WEFORTHEM Campaign | Clothes Distribution Drive

Every soul needs a comfortable place to stay and comfortable clothes to keep up according to the weather. Especially during a cold winter night, everyone would look for something comforting to keep themselves warm and safe. However, it is hard for some people who can barely afford anything to get a comfortable stay during the night.

In our daily lives, we come across hundreds of homeless people in the streets of Delhi. It's entirely hard to even imagine how someone without a shelter fights the cold winter. The biting cold of Delhi makes it hard for anyone to survive without proper shelter and care, and mostly it makes a person fall sick easily.

Rus Education initiated a program called #WeForThem. It is a campaign to help those who are in need, to bring warmth by donating and distributing clothes to many homeless people.

During this campaign, the team managed to collect hundreds of old clothes like jackets, sweaters, bed sheets, blankets, shawls, scarfs, etc.

After the collection, on the night of December 7, 2019, the team moved out to distribute the collected clothes to the needy. The event started around 8 PM where the team began their distribution from one footpath to another starting from Sarai Kale Khan, to Ashram, Moolchand, AIIMS, the team went on to Green Park and also Saket.

There were many homeless people in every street in Delhi. Most of them are families. There were grandfathers and grandmothers, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, and even small kids trying to adjust themselves in the cold weather with the thin and small layer of clothes which they had. When the team distributed the clothes to them, the people were overjoyed.

Being able to provide them the little things for their comfort during this winter is what Rus Education as a team thrive for.

Through this campaign, the team understood how these homeless people manage to survive throughout the cold winter.

This initiative brings comfort, warmth, sound sleep, and happiness in people's hearts. It is also an accomplishment to cherish forever.