
Category: What’s Latest For Medical Students?

NEET or NO NEET? Still a Question

As the lockdown due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic keeps extending itself, educational institutes across the country are struggling to get back on their feet. Though the Central government repeatedly…

Russian Medical Degrees Updates

Russia is a country located in Eastern Europe and its territory stretches across Northern Asia. It is known as the world’s largest country. Russia incorporates a great range of environments…


The Indian government and the honorable Supreme Court have decided to hold the NEET exams on the 13th of September with more than 10 lakh students confirmed to appear. In…

Tips for NEET exam preparation

Have you applied for the NEET-UG 2020 exam? Have you stepped forward to ingress yourself in this world of competition for Medical Entrances? If yes, it’s sure that by now…