
Gap year for NEET or MBBS in Russia ?

May 30, 2024

Take a gap year to prepare for NEET or join an MBBS in Russia. It’s always a crucial decision to make. Taking a gap year to give another shot at NEET is a brave decision, but it may not be the best decision.

Many students choose to join an MBBS abroad instead of devoting another year to NEET preparation. It’s not because they cannot excel in NEET and secure a seat in a government medical college. It’s simply because they do not wish to spend a year without starting their academic journey towards fulfilling their dream. You may be no different!

Affordability, quality of education, and a friendly environment pull students towards doing an MBBS in Russia. The cost of doing an MBBS in Russia is less than an MBBS from a private college in India. Therefore, many students opt for an MBBS in Russia instead of waiting another year.

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of a gap year before understanding what an MBBS in Russia offers. 

What are the advantages of taking a gap year for NEET?

More time to study

Taking a gap year for NEET provides more time to study. Unlike the first attempt, where the attention and effort are divided between NEET and board exams, subsequent attempts allow more focus. You can perform better with the sole attention to NEET. One year of dedicated study and practice helps you understand the syllabus better and learn the tricks for doing well.

Chance to improve

Quite obviously, a gap year is a chance to improve. It allows you to work on your weak areas and practice more rigorously for the test. Familiarity with the exam environment and the experience of the NEET paper pattern helps to improve performance.

Better Mindset

Gap-year students already have the experience of sitting in NEET, which helps them feel more comfortable in the exam setting. One year of practice, mock tests and revision boosts confidence. Gap-year students who prepare for NEET with a positive attitude see significant improvement in their scores.

Strategic Preparation

Prior NEET experience provides you with valuable insights into the examination format and the types of questions. Utilizing the gap year for strategizing your preparation reflects positively on the result. You have ample time to revise the syllabus and simulate the exam environment with mock tests.

Cracking the NEET exam is a competitive battle, and sometimes the score you receive might not reflect your full potential. For many students taking a drop year and re-attempting the exam can be agonizing. While a drop year offers the chance to improve your score, it’s not without the challenges.

Here are some things to consider: 

What are the disadvantages of taking a gap year for NEET?

Lack of focus

There is a huge risk of losing focus during the gap year. Many of your friends will advance on their academic journey, leaving you behind. A gap year puts you at the risk of feeling isolated and demotivated. The pace and rhythm of gap year preparation differ from that of school life. You may lose your momentum and fail to pick the pace.

More competition

The competition to get a seat in a government college is increasing every year. Taking a gap year for NEET means preparing to face a tougher competition. You will appear in a more difficult exam, which may surprise you.

Handling pressure

An extra year to prepare for NEET comes with the pressure to perform well. Since you will drop an extra year to devote time to preparation, the weight of expectations will be huge. There are chances that a slight break in consistency may make you feel you have wasted time. It is challenging to get back into the rhythm of studying and maintaining the flow.

Weight of Expectations 

Expectations rise when you take a drop year. You will be carrying the weight of expectations of your family, friends, and society throughout the year. Social and family expectations will convert into the pressure to perform well, which can harm mental well-being. You may lose focus due to such performance pressure.

A drop year can be a double-edged sword. While it has its benefits and offers an opportunity to refine your knowledge and improve your score, it’s not without challenges. The momentum of your studies might wane after a break, the pressure to succeed in the next attempt can be immense, and the constant focus on the entrance exam can lead to burnout. 

But there’s another way! Picture yourself stepping onto the vibrant campus of a prestigious medical university abroad. Imagine yourself immersed in a rigorous training program with international exposure. This is the reality of pursuing MBBS degree in Russia. 

Here’s why MBBS in Russia is a compelling alternative to NEET drop year! 

What are the benefits of doing an MBBS in Russia?

Affordable Tuition Fees

MBBS in Russia requires lower expenses than an MBBS from a private college in India. Not only are the tuition fees lower, but the cost of living in Russia is also affordable. Many students who are unable to get into a government medical college through NEET choose Russia for MBBS.

Education Quality

A huge benefit of doing MBBS in Russia is the access to high-quality education at an affordable price. Russian universities are known for their globally relevant curricula, world-class faculty, and focus on practical learning. Collaboration with top institutions ensures students’ global exposure and valuable internship experience. Top Government Russian universities are known to prepare students to face the challenges of the global healthcare industry.

Global Standards

Russian universities are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the USA’s Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). They find their place in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). Medical programs of Russian universities are recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India. MBBS from Russian universities is respected across the globe. Russian universities prepare students for a global career in healthcare.

Diversity and Inclusivity

Respect for all cultures shapes the environment in Russian universities. There is a thriving community of international students at most Russian universities. While doing an MBBS from a Russian university, students are encouraged to take part in adaptation activities to feel at home in Russia. The universities promote cultural exchange between students from diverse backgrounds. 

Make the Right Decision

Make the Right Decision

Making the right decision between dropping a year and doing an MBBS in Russia should involve a careful analysis. A gap year allows you ample time to get a good rank in NEET, but it has its pitfalls. Utilizing the gap year for NEET demands patience, hard work, and a positive attitude. There are chances of sinking due to performance pressure and the weight of expectations.

Weigh your options after understanding the pros and cons of taking a gap year for NEET preparation. If you have not performed well despite taking a gap year for NEET, don’t lose hope. You can still fulfill your dream of wearing a white coat. Look towards Russia.